Well the holidays are finally behind us. Great times and memories made with lots of family and friends over the two week period. Couldn't have been better (although snow would have been an added bonus but not this year!).
So now it's time to step to the plate and make good on those new years resolutions. Mine are the same this year as they have been the last ten years... train smarter and faster. Oh and to build up to doing 100 consecutive push ups (never have been able to break that milestone). January started off slow but is ending on a good note. Just beginning to feel good about increasing mileage and hope to hit 60 miles this week. Will likely stick to a reasonable plan of 10% to 20% increased mileage on any given week. Struggling through once a week short (30 minutes) treadmill workouts at the YMCA. But I typically follow an undisciplined approach to training and any given week can be + or - 50% off previous weeks mileage. Regardless, I'm off to a good start so far, feeling good, and getting geared up for my first run of the year, the Tampa Gasparilla Marathon (http://www.tampabayrun.com/Race_Info/Marathon_and_Half_Marathon/General_Information.htm). Have hopes of running 3:10. Well see. Hope everyone's training is off to a good start.
So now it's time to step to the plate and make good on those new years resolutions. Mine are the same this year as they have been the last ten years... train smarter and faster. Oh and to build up to doing 100 consecutive push ups (never have been able to break that milestone). January started off slow but is ending on a good note. Just beginning to feel good about increasing mileage and hope to hit 60 miles this week. Will likely stick to a reasonable plan of 10% to 20% increased mileage on any given week. Struggling through once a week short (30 minutes) treadmill workouts at the YMCA. But I typically follow an undisciplined approach to training and any given week can be + or - 50% off previous weeks mileage. Regardless, I'm off to a good start so far, feeling good, and getting geared up for my first run of the year, the Tampa Gasparilla Marathon (http://www.tampabayrun.com/Race_Info/Marathon_and_Half_Marathon/General_Information.htm). Have hopes of running 3:10. Well see. Hope everyone's training is off to a good start.